Forward in Faith, for Faith Lasts

How can we say a person has faith? Some people nowadays, takes faith for granted, not realizing its importance. A lot of people go to church every Sunday, sincerely praying inside the church, and give donations, but does this really make a person faithful?. Being faithful means you are trustworthy and reliable.

In today’s generation, people take others for granted. They don’t accept them whole-heartedly. How can I say this? It is because some people who goes to church every Sunday, attending the mass, participating and listening to what the priest says, sincerely praying inside the church but after the mass has ended, they go out of the church and vilify or judge others as if they don’t have their own flaws and imperfections.

Everyone has their own stories to tell, stories that could change the way you see them or change your perspective of life. There is a quotation saying “You should not judge a book by its cover”, and that is true because why would we judge other people based on their appearances, we don’t even know their story, we don’t know what they are going through in life, they may have bigger problems than what we have right now.

When you have faith you will always have the reason to move forward in life even when it hits you so hard and make you feel like giving up. God doesn’t give us problems that we cannot solve. As I was observing the picture, I realized that having faith in everything you do can help you understand how faith is essential in our lives because just like what a bible verse says, “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths. Proverbs 3:5-6”

By: Coleen Jay O. Micosa BSMT